The Climate Changes Naturally.
For thousands of years, people were frightened and misled by those who claim to be able to see the future.The people were misled because they didn’t understand science.
A few people were smarter and they tried to show the truth about nature.
So the king stood and ordered the tide to stop.
But still some people continued to imagine all kinds of terrible disasters to frighten people.
And they imagine even more ways for the world to end.
Even today, the doomsayers will tell you that carbon dioxide will cause terrible storms, tidal waves, floods and droughts, leading to death and destruction.
Where have we heard this before?

Yes, even today, those who are afraid, want you to go without electricity, TVs, cars, phones, computers, lights, heaters, air coolers and hot water. They want to tell you what you can and what you can't have. They want to tell you what to do.
Today, we know better than to believe the doomsayers and the fortune tellers.
We know that we cannot control the weather or the climate, nor can we see the future.
We also know that carbon dioxide makes plants grow, which in turn, provides food and oxygen which keeps all animals and people alive.
When someone tries to tell you that they know what will happen in 100 or even just 10 years from now, you know that they are not talking science.
So, smile politely at them and continue enjoying the incredible beauty and variety of nature.
This document includes artwork developed by Carnegie Mellon University and Electronic Arts Inc.
T Model Ford image originator - Alden Jewell - published on
It's scientists that tell us carbon dioxide will cause floods and droughts, we learn it in science class.
ReplyDeleteSome scientists say that CO2 may cause floods and droughts. Not all scientists agree with this prediction, just as not all scientists agree that more CO2 will be a danger to the earth. As you go through school, you will learn many things in science class. Some will turn out to be true, some will be replaced by new findings that may be the opposite of what you learned now. Science is ever changing as we learn more about our world.
DeleteIf some scientists say there will be floods and droughts then why have you not said that?
Delete"Even today, the doomsayers will tell you that carbon dioxide will cause terrible storms, tidal waves, floods and droughts, leading to death and destruction."
DeleteI can see where this might be a bit confusing. It is possible for a scientist to be a doomsayer. It is possible for a scientist to be very passionate about a theory and still be wrong. Also, scientists have not actually been able to put a timetable or a volume on the changes in droughts and floods. Until the scientists have more information, it's pretty much doomsaying for now.